Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3904

Spring greetings!

March 28, 2024

Spring arrived earlier this year along with several joyous holidays. CUPE Local 3904 wishes everyone a Happy Easter, a holiday for millions of Christians around the world. The long weekend gives us all the opportunity to pause our daily scramble and, instead, spend valuable time with loved ones, whether or not one celebrates the holiday.

The festival of Holi is being observed this week by our Hindu and Jain communities.

Accompanied by the throwing of vibrant, coloured water and powders, revelers focus on wishing each other goodness, prosperity, success, and hope to all. We extend this message to our membership.

Furthermore, the spring equinox is heralded by our Wiccan members as Ostara is celebrated by the planting of seeds, symbolizing renewal and new life.

At this time of celebration, we should remember what the labour movement has achieved in the past decades, especially as we are currently watching our accomplishments being rolled back by political forces that do not have the best interests at heart of all Ontarians. As a union, we stand for respect, safe working conditions and fair wages reflecting the enormous contribution we daily make to our institutions. Social justice and dignity are the cornerstones of our union.

In solidarity,

Michael Lapointe

VP Campaigns & Equity
