Forming the Union
CUPE Local 3904 is part of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Canada’s largest union. Our Local organized, and on October 17, 1977, was granted certification as the Graduate Assistance Association (GAA), known today as CUPE Local 3904, Unit 1. It was comprised of both part-time and sessional Contract Lecturers employed in the University’s regular day school programs. Known as Local 4, the Union formed under the Canadian Union of Educational Workers (CUEW). In 1977, full-time Contract Sessional Lecturers made $13,500 a year and had no benefits or seniority rights. The mission of the new Local 4 was to negotiate and bargain for better pay, benefits, and job security by way of seniority rights for its members.
After a two-week strike in 1980, members obtained seniority rights and contract extensions. In 1984, CUEW Local 4 bargained for pay increases, narrowing the wage gap between Unit 1 Contract Lecturers and tenured faculty. In 1986, CUEW Local 4 negotiated the Matching RRSP Plan, and in 1988, they fought for improvements to the insurance plan as well as for disability leave within the Collective Agreement (CA). In 1993, CUEW Local 4 negotiated further wage increases, in addition to ending the seniority cap to further improve job security for long-term members. Contract Lecturers, who had taught in the bargaining unit prior to 1993, when TMU gained University status, were awarded Priority of Consideration as a form of job security and guaranteed employment in the bargaining unit (unless seniority was lost by failing to hold an employment contract in the bargaining unit for three consecutive years).
Two Units in the 1990s
On July 27, 1994, the Union successfully obtained certification for a new unit to represent Contract Lecturers employed by the Continuing Education division, known today as Continuing Education Contract Lecturers (CECLs) or members of CUPE Local 3904 Unit 2 in the Chang School.
On January 1, 1995, CUEW Local 4 became CUPE Local 3904 with two Units: Unit 1 comprised of Sessional Contract Lecturers (reduced and full-time) and Part-Time Contract Lecturers; and Unit 2 comprised of Continuing Education Contract Lecturers. Over 80% of members approved the merger since uniting with CUPE provided the advantages of being part of a large national union, yet also retained our autonomy. When the salary grid was revised in 1996, CUPE Local 3904 negotiate clauses on maximum class sizes, as well as first consideration based on seniority.

Members with Kelly Train (Unit 1 VP) and Rob Denning (Unit 2 VP)
(photos by Catherine Jenkins)
Unit 3 in the 2000s
After much campaigning and mobilizing, the Teaching Assistants (TAs) and Graduate Assistants (GAs) were certified as Unit 3 on July 24, 2003. Wages, guaranteed TA/GA work for TMU graduate students, and fair working conditions comprised the new unit’s priorities when negotiating their first CA and subsequent agreements.
In 2007, CUPE Local 3904 Unit 1 negotiated Professional Reimbursement Funds for members with reduced and full Sessional appointments, as well as some monies for those holding part-time appointments. During this round of bargaining, the Union also negotiated bereavement leave and political leave for Unit 1 members. A small increase to the contribution of the Matching RRSP Plan was won, as well as wage gains, enhanced Service Adjustment Pay for members at the maximum salary, and guaranteed severance retirement payments for Union colleagues holding Priority of Consideration status, regardless of whether their work diminished by 50% or more.
Continued Gains in the 2010s and Beyond

During 2014 collective bargaining, the Union negotiated pay in lieu of health benefits of 2.5% for part-time Unit 1 members and was able to raise this to 3% in the 2017 collective agreement. Also in 2014, the Union bargained for a Continuing Appointments List of 60 of the most senior Unit 1 members across the campus as a form of job security. In 2017, the Unit 1 bargaining team successfully negotiated for a further 10 members based solely on seniority to comprise a Continuing Appointments List of 70. In 2021, the Unit 1 bargaining team secured a drug and dental plan for part-time Contract Lecturers.
Also in 2014, Unit 2 negotiated a Continuing Appointments List of 40 of its most senior members across the campus who teach in Continuing Education, augmenting their job security. In 2021, the bargaining team negotiated an additional ten Unit 2 members bringing the Continuing Appointments List to 50 Unit 2 employees. The Health Plan for Unit 2 members was also expanded.

by Michael Lapointe)
Gains that Unit 3 has made for its members include measures such as the Health Benefit Fund (HBF) and the General Assistance Fund (GAF). After 2006, when the University started adding more graduate programs, the Unit 3 CA set out clear hiring priorities: TMU PhD students first, followed by TMU MA students, and then TMU fourth-year undergraduates, before external hires would be considered.
Each of the three bargaining Units continues to maintain its own collective agreement, stewards, and bargaining team. We consistently strive to negotiate improvements to the CAs for the betterment of our precariously employed members through collective bargaining, mediation, and when necessary, arbitration and strike action. Our focus is always on wages, benefits, and working conditions. We continue to strive for an equitable environment free from harassment and discrimination of any sort by treating all members equally regardless of class, race, colour, nationality, age, sex, gender, language, sexual orientation, place of origin, ancestry, religious beliefs, or disability.
With information from: Local 3904 Archives and TMU Library Special Collections.